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Installed Printers

16 million

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“It takes minutes to set it up on printers, and I can quickly see user activity and solve tech issues remotely. I love it, my technicians love it, and end-users love it.”

Eli Ben, Copytech

Schools & Universities > Case Study

Haifa University - A Case Study

Cross Print for Schools & Universities







How Haifa University Cut Maintenance
Costs By 83% with Cross Print

Haifa University is one of Israel’s largest, with 18,000+ students spread across three campuses. Copytech - the university’s printing service provider - had the task of picking the right printing service to cater to thousands of students and faculty staff for 75+ printers.

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The sheer quantity of printers and users with varying needs (students, admins, and Copytech staff themselves) meant the options available to Haifa University in terms of effective managed printing solutions were limited.

Their existing printing solution required constant intervention from Copytech, wasting valuable time and reducing their bottom line. Not only that, users could only print from university computers, which offered a clunky, unintuitive user experience and reduced Haifa University’s overall printer usage.


“I wasted a ton of time waiting for my clients to give me access to their servers. And, in most cases, I had to send a technician on-site for almost anything. No matter how small the issue was, we always wasted valuable service hours on it.”

Eli Ben
Service Manager at Copytech


Copytech looked for the ideal managed printing service.
There were some must-haves:

Affordable - No expensive hardware, server, or license fees

User-friendly - Easy and convenient for end users to print

Efficient - Easy to manage issues remotely without on-site technicians

Value-adding - Get a competitive edge by offering clients a better product

But most of the options available weren’t ‘true’ cloud printing solutions.
They often required costly extra hardware, or required complex installation.
When Copytech found Cross Print, they realised that we ticked all the boxes.


Cross Print is 100% web-based, and relies on cloud servers. Zero additional hardware or server installations are required. End users can self-onboard in minutes with an automated email, allowing them to print from any device (desktop, mobile, or tablet) and pay online. Time spent on-site is drastically reduced - Copytech can do nearly everything in advance and save dozens of hours that would be otherwise wasted on time-consuming installation processes.

Installing Cross Print was a smooth, simple process:


Install Cross Print to the university’s 75+ printers in 3 days


Connect Haifa University’s printers to the network


Remotely configure Cross Print’s settings and permissions


Users can self-onboard and start printing within hours of installation

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Today, the entire printing experience at Haifa University is transformed.

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Students and staff love being able to send print jobs to the cloud from any device - and pull-print from any connected printer at any time. Copytech can seamlessly receive printing payments or set print quotas on behalf of the university. And they can manage all printing activity 100% remotely via one, intuitive online dashboard. In fact, their service calls dropped by 83%, and they’ve won Haifa University over for the long-term with a printing service that adds value to each and every one of their users.

As Haifa University continues to grow, Cross Print scales seamlessly to match their users and printers. And because it’s 100% cloud-based, there aren’t any extra hardware, server, or license costs.

“Since we started using Cross Print, Haifa University's end users have grown to 15,000+. It takes minutes to set it up on printers, and I can quickly see user activity and solve tech issues remotely. I love it, my technicians love it, and end-users love it.”

Eli Ben
Service Manager of Copytech


Reduced costs and increased profitability

More satisfied customers and a competitive advantage

100% remote troubleshooting means fewer maintenance calls

Haifa University

One birdseye dashboard to manage all users and printing activities

Offer online pay for print and printing quotas

Zero servers or extra hardware means fewer technical issues and costs


Onboard and print in 2 minutes

Print via web from any device

Pull-print at any connected printer, anytime

Intuitive app for easy, frictionless printing

Be like Haifa University.
Transform your printing services with Cross Print.

Schedule a free demo

GPPS ltd. 2017900, Katom st. 8, Industrial Park Misgav, Israel