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“It takes minutes to set it up on printers, and I can quickly see user activity and solve tech issues remotely. I love it, my technicians love it, and end-users love it.”

Eli Ben, Copytech

CBusiness Offices > Case Study

Zvia Network - A Case Study

Cross Print for Business Offices.



30 HRS




How Zvia increased staff productivity
& reduced printing costs

Zvia is a network of 30 offices across Israel. Their location in Southern Israel has 100 employees - the majority of whom rely on printing every day for vital clerical work. Before Cross Print, they were struggling with a legacy printing solution that was hurting impacting staff productivity.

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In Zvia Network’s offices, printing is a vital activity. Staff requires regular use of printers for important everyday tasks. But their printing solution was holding them back from doing their job. Printing was a complex, bureaucratic process that involved filling in print request forms. This often resulted in big delays of up to 48 hours that impacted staff productivity and wasted the resources of on-site IT support. 

There was a complete lack of control over basic printing activities - including quotas, user activity, and printer use. While other MPS products could have solved some of these issues, they were designed for larger organizations, and were far too expensive and complex to install and maintain for Zvia’s smaller offices.


“The existing printing solution did not determine the quantity of printing or user quotas. It also lacked the ability to produce relevant and efficient reports. In addition, printer maintenance cost us three full days per month. But the alternatives available were complex to install, expensive, and cumbersome to operate.”

Gavriel Haviv, Technoel


Zvia were desperate for a better printing solution. Current processes were hugely disruptive. But other print management services available were designed for larger organizations, and would require a prohibitive amount of IT time and resources to install and maintain. When their service provider - Technoel - introduced Zvia to Cross Print, they were sold.

Cross Print offers a hands-free printing experience. The staff could print from any device to any printer, pull-print in seconds and see their print quotas online. Site administrators and Technoel could manage everything 100% remotely. And because Cross Print requires no additional hardware, licenses, or servers, it was the perfect, cost-effective solution for Zvia.


Technoel installed Cross Print on Zvia’s five printers - much of the setup process could be handled off-site. Because Cross Print is cloud-based, it doesn’t rely on any unnecessary servers, hardware, or licenses. The software was installed within hours, and on-site IT quickly grasped how Cross Print works.

Zvia’s staff were automatically sent an onboarding email with all the information required to start printing with Cross Print. They could send print jobs from any connected device to any printer almost immediately. And Technoel could handle any technical issues from one, intuitive online dashboard - with full visibility over printing activity, quotas, and users for both service provider and Zvia’s site admins.


Installing Cross Print was a smooth, simple process:


Install Cross Print to Brain Embassy’s 5 printers


Connect the coworking printers to the network


Remotely configure Cross Print’s settings and permissions


Users can self-onboard and start printing within hours of installation

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30 HRS




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Staff were reluctant to try Cross Print at first. 
Now, they couldn’t imagine going back.

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‘Revolutionary’ wouldn’t be an exaggeration. Printing at Zvia’s offices couldn’t be easier. Staff can print at any time, from any device, even if they’re at home or driving to work. Technical issues and paper wastage are a thing of the past - Technoel can easily handle everything via Cross Print’s online dashboard. And site admins have full control and visibility over all user activity - including printing quotas.

Zvia have optimized their staff workflows, and everyone - including on-site administrators - are more productive and free to focus on more important tasks. Because Cross Print is a ‘set it and forget it’ cloud-based printing solution, it simply works without any unnecessary intervention.

"Cross Print has completely eliminated all staff complaints about printing. The improvement in the atmosphere of our team felt extraordinary - it just changed everything. Cross Print gave complete peace and substantial savings. I always recommend Cross Print to my network."

Site Administrator at Zvia 


Simple, speedy installation

Reduced IT service costs and increased profitability

More satisfied customers and a competitive advantage

Birds-eye view of all printing activity and history

Zvia Network

Full control over all printing activity, reducing costs by 30%

On-site IT released to focus on more important tasks

Zero servers or extra hardware means fewer technical issues and costs

Full control over all users and printing activity online


Onboarding is effortless and near instant

Seamless, joyful printing from any device and location

Easily see printing quotas online

No costly delays in printing

Be like The Zvia Network.
Make printing a no-brainer with Cross Print.

Schedule a free demo

GPPS ltd. 2017900, Katom st. 8, Industrial Park Misgav, Israel